Frequently Asked Questions

Got any questions? Get in touch or check the FAQ section.

We offer individualised care for complex complaints in various areas of life. Our experienced team sets treatment goals according to your needs and treats a wide range of complaints. Referrals can be made via mail or ZorgDomein.

For acute complaints, please contact your GP or the Amsterdam Psychiatric Emergency Department.

More questions? Please contact us.


  • For whom is Goedebuur intended?

    Goedebuur is for anyone who gets stuck in multiple areas of life and experiences psychological and often physical symptoms. We aim to help everyone who applies or is referred. We offer treatments in the SGGZ or BGGZ and seek other appropriate help if necessary. Our approach focuses on tailored care, working closely together to align treatment goals.

  • What complaints does Goedebuur treat?

    Goedebuur treats various psychological complaints, including depressive complaints, anxiety complaints, psychosomatic complaints and personality-related complaints. Our initial focus is on symptom relief, followed by targeted personality strengthening to reduce avoidance, handle emotions better, become more independent, increase autonomy and get closer to life values.

  • What complaints does Goedebuur not treat?

    We have established a set of guidelines to determine in which cases it is better not to reffer to us, but to another institution for treatment.

    The guidelines:
    - For mild addiction problems that exist comorbid with the main complaint, we can treat. For severe addiction problems that are prominent, we refer to a specialized addiction treatment practice.
    - If there are complex medical problems and the request for help is linked to this, we advise you to reffer to an institution that is specialized in this.
    - We apply short-term interventions to personality problems. For moderate to severe personality problems requiring more intensive treatment, then a specialized practice with long-term (group) therapy may be more appropriate.
    - If there is apparent high crisis sensitivity beforehand and a need for more embedding, we refer someone to an institution with an internal crisis team.
    - We do not have specialized knowledge for treating psychotic symptoms.
    - We do not have specialized knowledge for treating dementia.

  • How can I refer to Goedebuur?

    Referrals to Goedebuur can be made via email ( or via ZorgDomein for fast and error-free digital referrals. For consultation about a referral, you can contact the administrative staff member by telephone on 06 - 34 27 42 57. We attach great value to good consultation and coordination with referrers.

  • What to do in case of emergency?

    If you need urgent help, there are several options available to you at Goedebuur. If you are already a client, you may have established a crisis plan with your practitioner that you can refer to. For acute situations and to speak to a practitioner immediately, you can reach us on weekdays between 09:00 and 12:00 on 06 - 34 27 42 57. In the afternoon, your voicemail will be tapped and you will be called back. Outside office hours, please contact the crisis service.

  • What are Goedebuur's opening hours?

    Goedebuur can be reached on weekdays by phone between 09:00 and 12:00 on 06-34274257. If you call in the afternoon your voicemail will be tapped. The practitioners work on weekdays between 09:00 and 17:00.

  • What is Goedebuur's treatment approach?

    At Goedebuur, we believe in a holistic approach, treating body and mind and paying attention to nutrition and social situation. Our treatments are individualized, focused on setting treatment goals that meet your needs.

    Treatments at Goedebuur often consist of a pathway with multiple practitioners and sometimes two or more appointments during the week. This is because we believe that often the best way to help someone is to look at symptoms from different perspectives and work toward recovery. We prefer shorter more intensive treatment to longer low-frequency treatment.


  • What are the costs of treatment?

    The cost depends on the duration of your treatment. An overview of the most common consultations at Goedebuur:

    - Consultation with a GZ psychologist 241.98 euros
    - Intake with a GZ psychologist 450.83 euros
    - Consultation with a dietician 213.52 euros
    - Consultation with a occupational therapist 213.52 Euros
    - Consultation with a WO psychologist 213.52 euro
    - Consultation with a nursing specialist 282.44 euros
    - Consultation with a social worker 233.52 euros
    - Intake with a psychiatrist 698.45 Euros
    - Intake with a clinical psychologist 565.37 Euros
    - Intermediate or final evaluation by a psychiatrist 384.74 Euros
    - Intermediate or final evaluation with a clinical psychologist 306.84 eurosFor telephone or online consultations, the same rates apply, depending on the duration of the contact. These are standard rates, based on the NZA rates within the GGZ, in 2024. For more information on costs:

    Don’t forget that your health insurer charges a standard excess of € 385 per calendar year.

  • What is charged?

    Depending on the duration of the contact, telephone contact and contact via e-mail will also be charged.

  • Will my treatment be reimbursed?

    Your treatment at Goedebuur will be reimbursed from the basic insurance. This year we have a contract with Achmea (Zilveren Kruis, Interpolis, FBTO, de Friesland and Ziezo), DSW and Stad Holland. For the insurances we have a contract with, there is no extra payment.

  • Do I have to pay my deductible?

    With an in-kind (natura) policy health insurance, 65-85% is reimbursed. With a restitution policy health insurance, 100% is reimbursed. If you have a natura policy with a health insurance company, we will ask you to pay up to 90% of our bill this year. A more concrete explanation can be found under the heading 'reimbursements'.

  • Which referral do I need?

    A referral from a GP, company doctor, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist or specialist is required. It is important that the referral letter state whether there is a basic referral within mental health care (BGGZ) or specialist referral within mental health care (SGGZ).

  • What must be included in the referral?

    It is important that the referral letter states whether it is a basic referral within mental healthcare (BGGZ) or a specialist referral within mental healthcare (SGGZ). Thereby, a suspicion of a DSM-5 disorder must be indicated. What is not mandatory, but does ease the referral process, is an explanation of the problems and mental health history.

  • Is prior contact with my health insurer necessary?

    We recommend always calling your health insurer before starting treatment at Goedebuur.

Treatment process and Evaluation

  • How is the treatment plan drawn up and who is involved?

    The treatment plan is drawn up after the intake and in consultation with the client. The plan includes classification, treatment goals and therapists involved. The client and therapists commit to the goals and can adjust them if necessary.

  • Who is the central point of contact for me during treatment at Goedebuur?

    The coordinating regiebehandelaar, who is an indicative regiebehandelaar such as a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or clinical psychologist, is the central contact for you during treatment. This person is responsible for the treatment and can schedule consultations if necessary.

  • How is treatment progress monitored and evaluated?

    Progress is monitored through multidisciplinary consultations, interim questionnaires, interim evaluations and final evaluations. The treatment plan can be adjusted when necessary, in consultation with the patient and the treatment team.

Closure and aftercare

  • How are the results of my treatment discussed and what are the possible next steps?

    During the final evaluation, the achieved goals and results are discussed. Depending on the results and needs, a decision may be made to refer for further treatment. The patient has a say in who and when information is shared.

  • What happens if I object to informing my referrer or others about my treatment?

    If you object to informing your referrer or others, Goedebuur will respect your wishes. You have a say in who has access to information about your treatment.

  • What should I do if I have a complaint or dispute about my treatment at Goedebuur?

    We try to look after you as well as possible. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied about this. You can let us know but you can also submit your question or complaint to the independent Healthcare Complaints Desk. A staff member of the Complaints Desk will try to resolve your complaint with information and advice and can put you in touch with an independent complaints officer. He or she can mediate between you and us so that we can still find a good solution together. You can easily reach the Healthcare Complaints Desk by calling 070 - 310 53 92. You can do so from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Or send an e-mail to For more information, please visit

  • Does Goedebuur have a quality statute?

    For Goedebuur's quality statute go to: Goedebuur's quality statute guarantees quality and describes the way in which it can responsibly provide curative mental health care under the Health Insurance Act.

  • What is the task of the Client Council?

    The client council focuses on issues that concern client care within Goedebuur, with the premise that its contributions lead to improvements in the quality of care aspects, communication between care providers/clients/neighbours and the well-being of the client and their immediate family members during their treatment. The issues to be discussed can also have the character of an informative or exploratory discussion in the consultation between Goedebuur management and client council. Would you like to share something with the client council, they can be reached at

  • Is there a Disputes Committee?

    You can also submit a complaint to the external and independent Care General Disputes Committee. Your complaint then becomes a dispute. An impartial, expert committee will assess your dispute and you will receive a binding decision. This means that you and we must abide by the ruling and cannot appeal against it. For more information on this, visit:

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    Tel: 06 – 342 742 57

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    Cronenburg 150
    1081 GN te Amsterdam


    Opening hours

    Mo – Fr: ( 9:00 – 17:00 )
    Sa – So: ( CLOSED )

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