
Treatment and reimbursements at Goedebuur

Your treatment at Goedebuur is reimbursed from the basic insurance. This means that in all cases a part of the treatment will be reimbursed. The amount or the height of the percentage that is reimbursed depends on the type of policy you have and whether Goedebuur has a contract with your insurer.

In 2025 Goedebuur has contracts with DSW (and the labels that fall under DSW) and Achmea (Zilveren Kruis, Ziezo, FBTO, Interpolis and De Friesland). They reimburse part of the treatment. The part they do not reimburse you do not have to pay.

With all other insurers Goedebuur has no contract and it depends on your policy how much your insurer will reimburse and how much you have to pay yourself. Goedebuur asks you to pay at least 90% of the invoice you receive every month. On this invoice you will find the rates as determined by the Dutch Care Authority and these rates are the basic rates which are used in the GGZ in The Netherlands.

This means concretely for an average treatment at Goedebuur (in 2024):

  • You have a restitution policy and do not have to make an extra payment yourself apart from a possible deductible. Example of this type of policy is Menzis Basis Vrij.
  • You have a natura policy for which the insurer states that 90% of the “lowest contracted rate” is reimbursed. In practice, this means that 85% is reimbursed and that you do not have to make an extra payment apart from your deductible.
  • You have a natura policy for which the insurer states that 80% is reimbursed of the “lowest contracted rate”. This means in practice that 76% of your bill will be reimbursed regardless of your deductible. So each month you will pay 4% of the bill yourself.
  • You have a natura policy whose insurer states that 75% is reimbursed of the “lowest contracted rate”. In practice this means that 65% of your bill will be reimbursed regardless of your deductible. So each month you will pay 15% of the invoice yourself.
  • You have a natura policy whose insurer states that 70% is reimbursed of the “lowest contracted rate.” In practice, this means that 60% of your invoice will be reimbursed regardless of your deductible. So each month you will pay 20% of the invoice yourself.
  • You have a natura policy whose insurer indicates that 65% or even only 60% is reimbursed of the “lowest contracted rate”. This means in practice that 56% of your bill will be reimbursed regardless of your deductible. So each month you will pay 24% of the bill yourself.


Treatment begins with an intake with a directional practitioner to which costs are attached. This can be a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist or psychotherapist. On average, an intake takes 90 minutes and these therapists have high rates (for example, a psychiatrist’s 90-minute intake results in an invoice of €698.45. With a policy that covers 65% you will pay €98.90 yourself for this appointment). Your first invoice will therefore be higher in relation to later invoices. This adjusts later in your treatment and then comes out to the average amounts mentioned above. Since the percentage will go to 90% in 2025, the costs with these mentioned fees will therefore be a bit higher. In some cases, email and phone calls may also be billed if they are treatment-related conversations.